A busy wednesday.

30 april 2014 - Málaga, Spanje

Today we had a busy day. We woke up early, took a shower and ate some cereals. Then we walked to the bus station. We took the bus  110 to Malaga. This bus trip takes about 40 minutes. The bus passes through the city and shows you places which are not touristic and which you would never see if you would follow a tourist information booklet. When we got there we walked to the harbour and watched the fantastic view. Sascha got herself some new sunglasses there too cause her old ones were broken and crooked. She was very happy with them. We walked further and we got to the boulevard of Malaga city which we had never seen before and the view and the beach were even nicer than the ones we had seen in Torremolinos, the place we stayed. We found a small beach restaurant and we grabbed some coffee and ate a small lunch. Then we crossed the road and entered the city were we looked around a bit, took some pictures of old buildings and walked through some beautiful old streets. Then we did some shopping. Noor bought herself a pair of shoes, which actually were men’s shoes, but because Spanish man are so small they had her size and they looked really nice on her. We also entered the Mango to look for Mindy’s prom dress but she didn’t buy anything. Then we hurried back to the bus back to Torremolinos so we wouldn’t be late for our second day of our internship at the school. We arrived and we had plenty of time left so we bought ourselves a little snack cause we would be having dinner late. When we arrived at the school we were surprised by the small amount of children that were there. They said that was normal for the Wednesday and that some of the children would arrive a bit later. We had a nice day of work and we just helped the teacher out a bit with the small children.  Afterwards when we finished our day there and we said goodbye to the kids we went to the centre of Torremolinos and bought some silly souvenirs for our boyfriends, parents and sisters. We had dinner at the restaurant in front of our apartment were our friends worked and after that we went to Lombok again and got ourselves a cocktail. We met some Dutch boys which were very spoiled and annoying and we couldn’t get rid of them till we went back home.

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